When server-side cookies are set, Simplero prevents one affiliate from over-writing another affiliate's link to a customer. But it does not seem to prevent an affiliate from over-writing the customer's first association, opt-in, and purchase with the owner (us). We had a situation where a long-time customer of ours, who had already purchased multiple products and already opted-in to our mailing list, suddenly appeared in our system as an Affiliate of one of our Affiliates. It appears that after visiting a friendly partner site, she clicked back to our website, purchased something and was then listed in our dashboard as their Affiliate even though her original point of contact with us was through our own marketing and advertising. Please ensure that Affiliate click-backs do not overwrite the customer's original and first point of contact, opt-in, and purchase with us. Otherwise, the cost of acquisition of that customer becomes a useless expense. Thank you