Coupon Code for Affiliates
Kahli Toy
We would love for our affiliates to individually have their own discount code for a product, that they can share with their audience/clients. Within this code is tracking which will attribute that sale to the affiliate.
This would also help keep our affiliates from losing out on commissions, as often customers will click their link, but then either switch browsers/device or clear cookies, and therefore the sale is not linked to the affiliate.
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Ryan Sullivan
This has been done by many other affilaite programs and works great. For instance one I use allows and it is so much easier to say add the keyword "TOOLKIT" to your purchase to get 30% off. Works just like a coupon but ties to our affiliate. They want to use, it is easy and it tags my affiliate link to them without them realizeing or caring. Or Partnero just added a partne vanity URL whicg is a URL equivalent.
Kahli Toy
Calvin Correli bumping this request again :)
We have almost 200 affiliates and growing so this feature would be amazing for us to save time manually transferring individual purchases.
Kahli Toy
Calvin Correli existing request for this one - this is a top priority for Cathleen King for affiliate program!
In addition to the above, having this option should remove the need for numerous prices within the product.
Currently, we are creating a coupon code price within the product and manually checking the sales on this code, and manually adding the affiliate to each purchase