Show pricing options in the product cards
Ryan Sullivan
Right now the only thing that shows in a product card on the products page is the first price, but onylshows as $10. Is that $10 per month per year, one time fee, you can't tell, and if you have multiple price points you cannot tell what is on offer. The cart allows a price option dropdown but not until you add it to the cart, why not show the price options in a drop down in the card and then add to cart or buy now after that, or offer smaller buttons for the price points you want to show on the card in the backend settings?
For example these three products on my catalog are three different, one is per year the other per month and one on the end is a one time purchase but all three just have a number with no other pricing reference which makes no sense. I am forced to use the details section to add the pricing but even if you want the $100 /yr option vs the $10 per month option there is no way to think you can get to that when the only amount they see is $10.
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Lis Alvarez
Calvin Correli
Makes sense. Will put in the queue.
Ryan Sullivan
Calvin Correli Thanks, may make sense to have some view options so for example a drop down above maybe and then side by side add to cart and buy now maybe like you have on the product page. Forcing one price on the product page seems to not make sense to me.
Ryan Sullivan
Calvin Correli Another urgent item that deals with this as I just discovered is that even though logged in inside of a Simplero site and having already having access to a course, realized that the buy now button still appears for that product that gives access to the course. So I realize the course and product are different, so maybe need a you own this course on the /courses page too, but this has bothered me with other systems before where I mistakenly bought the same product twice because it didn't know I already bought and I had forgotten till I got inside. So maybe a different request but would be nice if this displayed something to the effect of. "You already own this". Or "Purchased on this date" like the Amazon picture attached. (Also learned I buy too many batteries)