Make it easier to find landingpages that are added to funnels
Siif Floor
When you add a landingpage to a funnel it does not show in the landingpage view anymore.
It would be nice to be able to see the landingpage where you see all the other landingpages even though it is part of a funnel as well.
Please see example in this video:
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Siif Floor
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Calvin Correli
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Calvin Correli
Why? It's now no longer a landing page. It's a funnel page.
Siif Floor
Calvin Correli:
As I see it: It is still a landing page that is used in a funnel - but it is still a landing page 🙂
It confuses me that I am not able to find all my pages in one place no matter if it is used as a sign-up for my list, as an info site about my products or as part of a funnel. It is very confusing if I have to remember which pages are used in funnels and which are not..
As it is now I will have to manually look in multiple places to find my stuff.
Instead I will suggest:
Have all pages (no matter what they are used for) in the Landing page table view. Add some kind of symbol to those that are used in Funnels as well.