Make it easier to find images with labels
Siif Floor
As it is now when you want to add an image and want to search for the image, you can only search for the file name - You can't search for the label.
It would be nice if the word types in the search field also found all the images that has that word in the labels.
I have an image with the file name 'Screenshot 20240314-2015' I have added two labels:
- House
- Tree
When I search for the word 'Tree' in the search field. I would like to see all the images that contains the word 'Tree' in the filename. And I would also like to see all the images that contains the word 'Tree' in the label.
It would make it so much easier to find the images I am looking for in the image library.
Alternatively make a feature where you can select the labels you want to see all the images for - so you do not have to only rely on the search field.
Thanks a lot
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