We can see that more and more people use one email to sign up for a freebie and another email to purchase the product...
As our lists are growing it is giving us more and more problems that each email address is handled as individual contacts.
Every day we are contacted by people who either:
  1. complain about we keep sending them emails even though they unsubscribed
  2. complain about we send our sales campaign emails to them even though they have already purchased
80% of the time it is because they have used multiple email addresses for our different freebies, so now they are on the list more than once.
This is hurting our business because people feel that we are spamming them and we have to spend a lot of time investigating why people are receiving emails that they are not supposed to receive.
I completely understand that Simplero has no chance of knowing if two email addresses belong to the same contact.
It would be nice to be able to link those multiple email addresses to one contact or link the two contacts together as soon as we discover that two or more email addresses belong to the same person.
It is not always the best solution to merge the contacts - so it would be nice, when we become aware of two email addresses belonging to the same contact, that both the contacts would get the tags that we assign to the contact.
If Simplero were only used to send out emails from a single list it would make sense to use the Email address as the identification of a contact. But now that Simplero is used as a CRM, membership site, etc. It really would be nice to be able to keep track of the person behind the multiple email addresses.
Related to this it would also be great if the contact can add multiple email addresses to their Simplero profile:
Then we can recommend to our customers to update their profile and add all their email addresses to the profile.
Thank you in advance