Bring back conversations per line in worksheets
Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton
Would love to roll back the coaching feature in worksheets where you could have a conversation per line in the worksheet. Now all the chat is lumped in together and you have to type extra to point out which response you are answering. This is a backwards step and it would be great to have the conversation style back. After all, this is why a lot of former Jigsawbox users moved to Simplero. Maybe you can give people the option to try either style.
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Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton
In doing this, all MP3 exercises and videos have been lost from the worksheets. Yikes!
Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton
Tried it out today. It works much better but isn't as clean maybe to look at. Thanks very much.
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Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton
Hmm! Maybe we are having a mass hallucination! It might be something we perceived when the recent changes happened. It would make things simpler though. Minimising when not needed would be great. I have seen a movement online about a more chat type of coaching so this would also keep you ahead of that curve. :)
Calvin Correli
in progress
I think you may be hallucinating that we ever had that, but I just took a look and it would be pretty easy to do :)
We should be able to get that done this coming week.
Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton
Calvin Correli Hi we had a chat about it at the beginning if you remember when Jigsawbox shut down and you managed to reproduce the coaching on there. Has been working great for ages and then was taken away last year. There has been a discussion about it on the FB group but I noticed nobody has created a feature request. Thank you so much.
Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton
Just to be clear as I may have not expressed myself correctly, I mean the ability to do a response to each worksheet response from the client. At the moment the conversations are all lumped together at the bottom making it difficult to talk about each individual point in any meaningful way. Hope that makes sense.
Calvin Correli
Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton What changed was just an update to what the conversation component looked like. It was always one conversation per worksheet response, not per section or answer within the response.
Unless I'm totally mistaken about something.
Here's a vid ...
Let me know if you see something I don't.