Be able to replace old images in the same way we can with PDF's and videos
Sarah Eskildsen-Mortensen
Hi team
I love that we can go into our media library and replace any video or PDF with a new one without having to in to every single place it's been used.
Currently we can't do that with images - I don't know if there's a reason to why we can't? But I would like to have that possibility, so for instance when I get sent my next 2025 Simplero Expert badge, in stead of having to go in to all of my pages I can just switch the 2024 badge picture to the 2025 one in stead.
Hope it makes sense to give us that option on images as well, as it would be very helpful.
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Ellany Lea
+1 Would be a great feature!! Simplify all our lives :)
Jesper Hollensberg
Like this feature request: ?
Sarah Eskildsen-Mortensen
Jesper Hollensberg yes - hadn't seen that one. Hope that the team can make it happen...