Add option to collapse modules on membership front page
Britt Ziwes
Add the option on a course to have the course frontpage show all modules collapsed, to make it easier to find the right module in large courses and not have to scroll through the entire page (I have more than 350 lessons9
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Lis Alvarez
Already available on Browser. Getting developed for the App now.
Guillaume Wiatr
Yes to this! It would reduce the sense of overwhelm when seeing the course for the first time.
Iben Vutborg
Lis Alvarez where do I enable the auto-collapse?
Lis Alvarez
Iben Vutborg: Course modules show collapsed when there are over 80 lessons on the course.
Iben Vutborg
Yes, please add this to the app also
Jørgen Melchiorsen
Yes! So important in the App!
Lis Alvarez
Jørgen Melchiorsen
Lis Alvarez: any news on this as to timing?
Lis Alvarez
Jørgen Melchiorsen: We have implemented the auto-collpase functionality in browser view. We don't have a confirmed timeline to when it will get implemented in the App yet.
Jørgen Melchiorsen
Lis Alvarez: Thank you! Yes, I have seen it in browser view. This is good... but App is much more needed, as most users are on this (which is really great!)... so, I hope this could be soon!